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Old 09-21-2012, 12:07 PM   #1
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Default Swapping speed sensors - 2nd gen Ram

This is a how to guide on how to swap speed sensors on the top of the rear differential for 2nd gen Dodge Rams. Neither I or anyone from ORC is responsible for what you do, this is simpley a reference to your project.

I swapped the sensor off the axle from my 01 onto the axle from a 98 that is now under my truck.

First thing is to loosen the bolt holding the sensor in place. This requires a 15 mm wrench

Once you have it out, take a screw driver and hammer and lightly tap it all the way around until it starts to come up. This takes a little time and patience since the sensor is held in by a big rubber gromet on the inside. Be careful not to pry to hard as you might risk breaking it off inside the differential.

After you slide it out, it'll be a hole in the top of the diff.

This is the sensor. I took a rag and just lightly wiped away the oil on it just to clean it up a bit.

All this will have to be done for the other differential that your swapping sensors into. Once you have them both out, just put the new sensor back in place and gentley tap it in with a rubber mallet. Put you bolt back in and tighten it down and put the clamp back on holding your brake line in place. Once this is all done, your good to go!

If you have any questions about it, just pm me and I'll help in anyway I can. Hope this helps!

Last edited by ramthis9501; 09-21-2012 at 12:10 PM.
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