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Old 12-14-2011, 02:41 AM   #481
SRT-10 Member
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Originally Posted by ramthis9501 View Post
Need to vent....

School needs to fall in a hole and die. My teachers need to quit their job and go pick up trash off of the side of the highway. I'm getting sick of 5 tests a damn week and failing them since one there's no time to study for them and two the teachers suck complete ass at what they do. I mean seriously why the hell do they want to make junior year hell for you? It's the time of the year for semester tests and of course I have to do all the difficult ones. And for those you have to pull everything you've learned through the entire year out of your ass for one test. Shit when are they going to realize that pretty much every single thing we learn in there isn't going to apply to our lives? For example: Geometry, we have to know every single thing there is to know about a congruent triangle. When in the hell will I ever need to know that again? I'm going in to the medical field to work on mediflight, pretty sure I dont need to know how to find what x equals when I don't give a shit. I'm just stressed to the absolute max right now because my brain is on overload. Christmas break just needs to get here now. Even better, the end of high school.

Rant over. Thanks for reading if you did, I just needed to get that off my chest. Actually fill a little better now.
i will play the role of the other side.. you are a 16 year old kid ranting about how tough school is. You don't realize yet how tough life will be, you are ranting to "mostly" grown adults that have to work their asses off with a terrible boss to be able to pay for rent/food/etc for themselves and their family sometimes they struggle with even those basic things. Most of us have graduated high school and i bet everyone will agree that it was the easiest or close to time of our lives. You need to have a little more respect for your teachers ... yes there are good ones and bad ones however most of them live very sub-par lives financially and have a drive to help you learn and yadda .. there are very few people who become a teacher "just because" most are there to help mold young minds and help you become a better person in society. In every class there are kids like you who complain about not using what they are learning in the real world... and for a lot of stuff they are absolutely right but it's what takes a high school diploma and if you plan on going to college get used to it you'll have to take all kinds of stuff that isn't related to your degree -- and the kicker.. you have to pay for it as well. You might not ever use geometry again but you will face obstacles every day in your life and part of high school is learning how to get through tough circumstances and become an adult bc you will certainly face harder things once you're in the "real world". You might take a look at your priorities and what exactly is going on bc for someone who doesn't have a lot of time to study for school you spend an awful lot of time on this forum, including during school time.

Cliff notes:
Delegate your time wiser, cut out stuff that isn't important even if it's temporary.
Don't take school lightly, you'll regret it later in life- most will anyways.
Don't be so hard on your teachers they are there bc they want to help and don't get a ton of benefits to do so.
Buckle up bc after high school it only gets harder.
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