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Old 09-20-2011, 05:02 AM   #4
Lowered Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: lawton
Age: 52
Posts: 73

Lights are paid for, I just need to wait on my accord to get out of the body shop. I actually dropped it off yesterday, so the wait begins.

I've decided to go ahead and keep the truck. My company (once hired) will pay the difference if I sell it back to the dealership. Now that my wife has a clown car(miata)...I think I will hang onto it in case she needs it for anything while I'm gone. Besides, it give me a reason to buy some firestone bags for the move to vegas. lol

BTW, when I get back from overseas, I will be opening a 'Bed & Breakfast' for any of you fellas that wanna visit. Well, not really a 'breakfast', but you will have a free place to crash as long as you don't puke on the carpet. Granted, this is almost 3 years away, but the offer will still stand.

Small admin note: Almost done with the hiring process, will probably have the family moved and on my way overseas before Turkey Day. That and the new contract here on Fort Sill...cut us another $3.50 an hour...and still no bennies. Can you say "Mass Exodus." Ouch...

Last edited by Lie2me; 09-20-2011 at 05:05 AM.
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