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Old 05-06-2014, 08:38 AM   #6
0212353's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Age: 45
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Here's the specs on the projector itself

Depth (2.5" lens):140mm (5.50" in)
Depth (3.0" lens):155mm (6.10" in)
Width:112mm (4.35 in)
Height:95mm (3.75 in)

For shrouds.......the fun part is finding one that covers it, and at the same time.......doesn't look chummy.

I know the original Apollo will cover it, here's the sizes on that:
Height:125mm (5 inches)
Width:125mm (5 inches)
Depth:45mm (1.8 inches)

The E46-R might fit, but there really isn't much to that shroud.

Height:108mm (4.3 inches)
Width:135mm (5.4 inches)
Depth:37mm (1.5 inches)

That kinda gives you an idea. Keep in mind, the lens will stick out further than the shrouds.

Thinking of the bike?
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