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Old 11-03-2013, 10:21 AM   #6
0212353's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Age: 45
Posts: 1,791

So......not something I typically talk about with guys.......but wtf

Back in early September I hopped on the find it say "err" Oh fack. The scale goes to 300 lbs. Yeah, I'm a big dude, didn't think that big though. D'oh.......

Anyway, got a new scale, and decided to get to work on this. Wife had been pestering me about some "challenge" someone at her work did (and promotes) - I figured why not.....So, 9/26 was day one. Started at 305.4 pounds. I'm 6'2", so at least I have height going for me, eh? nah....too big. So, we both started the diet at the same time.

Today is day 39, I'm at 276. Not bad, almost at 30 pounds, and will more than likely be there tomorrow.

I drink 2 shakes a day, they can be whatever - its a mix......I do a coffee one every morning. Afternoon one can be a variety of stuff, try to stay away from the coffee one.....kinda lights me up! LOL Eat a nice meal at dinner.....and I hop on my totalgym for a bit every morning. Feeling better!

My goal is to be at 250 by Christmas, and I'll get it My next goal is to be at 215-220 by my 35th birthday, at the end of April. Then, we'll see.........I've never been a stick, nor do I want to be. Just healthier.
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