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Old 04-09-2012, 10:37 PM   #2
Coffee, Gas, Ammo. Set!
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Originally Posted by ramthis9501 View Post
I havent calculated it any but I've noticed the change just watching the gauge. The reason I can say Im getting better mileage is because with the tune, the gauge isnt moving as far to the left as it did without the tune going to and from some of my normal trips. For example it took an 1/8 of a tank to go to east side Norman and back before, now its only taking about half that with the tune. I'll hand calculate it one of these days
I can watch my guage too Colton, and while it doesn't move as quickly either, the miles recorded vs fuel used never lies. Dodge gas guages are hideously inaccurate especially in the first 1/2 tank.
You need to run about 3 tanks down to the beeper fill them till they burp at least once and record the appropriate data.
I'll give you a perfect example...on this very last tank I just recorded, I had went over 130 miles and had not used a half tank of gas. Since I have a 26 gallon tank it would be easy to surmize I was getting better 13 mpg!
But the fillup doesn't lie...20.4 gals and 218 miles. 10.7 mpg and thats rounded up.
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