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Old 04-05-2012, 11:54 PM   #2
Coffee, Gas, Ammo. Set!
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Originally Posted by BMRbrnSNRbrd View Post
Originally Posted by BMRbrnSNRbrd View Post
Nice Mike. What's our next show?
LMAo....I'm so glad you're hooked now.

Look Dave....this hobby/sport/business needs new blood constantly to keep going forward, to regenerate and even reinvent itself. Yes, we need spectators...but we need participants too. Without guys paying thier entry and driving into the gate there'd be no spectators. There wouldn't be guys who mod thier vehicles and don't show them.

I've been showing and modding vehicles before a lot of forum members were born, and I almost suspect before some of your parents started driving. I just realized Dave, that you are the same age as my oldest daughter! So that's a long time. I've been to big national shows, driven hundreds of miles, and the closest I've come to a picture in a national magazine is the hood of one of my Roadrunners in the foreground of a cruise photoshoot.

But I digress...the point is, I'd give up several bookshelves full of hardware to be where yours, Mikes, Coltons and Kyle's truck is/was. So would a lot of other guys. So take the off handed praise and well intended jabbing and move to the next level. Or help someone else get there.

And enjoy the moment.

Mike, are there other "national shows" like the kicker event? Freelancers don't hit them all.

I don't smoke ABN, but I'll take a frozen Margarita.

Lastly, Mike I don't know about mastering vehicles but maybe bait....

Wow...Kyle is "baby" turned 25 on the 31st. I feel old.

Last edited by Okiespaniels; 04-06-2012 at 12:22 AM.
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