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OklaHemi OklaHemi is offline

SRT-10 Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. timkiem
  2. danchoi123
  3. danchoi123
  4. mmonewbie2018
    10-11-2017 10:14 PM
    I plan to develop a mobile app to direct my car in needed. And I get worry because I need to rent a custom web app development services, then, I dont know anyone in this field. And how.
    Can you help me, thanks!
  5. mmonewbie2018
    10-02-2017 11:50 PM
  6. danchoi123
  7. SSRam82
    03-22-2012 11:18 AM
    Mikey P!! What up boy?!?!
  8. Lt.Dan
    02-18-2012 02:59 PM
    Hey Mike I was wonderin if you had any stickers made up? I'm heading up to collinsville right now to look at some trucks with a buddy and figured if you did I could meet you somewhere.
  9. rvarela
    02-13-2012 11:10 PM
    hey mike,
    i was wondering if you sent that sticker out yet. just making sure it didnt get lost in the mail. thanks.
  10. rvarela
    01-08-2012 06:31 PM
    hey mike,
    do you have any of the small orc stickers available? i was wanting to put one on my back window.
    thanks, richie

About Me

  • About OklaHemi
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    04 LowHemi


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 11-10-2012 12:15 AM
  • Join Date: 08-01-2011
  • Referrals: 8


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